Top 3 Games Better Than Gta V.

 Top 3 Games Better Than Gta 5.

GTA 5 has been a huge achievement since its delivery 8 years ago. The GTA series is primarily known for its mixed open-world guides, although there are great open-world games that offer more authenticity, advanced graphical enhancements, and better game physics. Being a decent open-world guide, it needs to present as much authenticity as can be expected. Open-world games have a huge fan base and deal with incredible rounds of mixed nature. Here are the best 3 best designed PC games on GTA 5:

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 from Rockstar Games offers a different view, from blanketed hillsides to stinky marshy waters. The general game physics and graphical depiction of Red Dead Redemption 2 is much better than in GTA 5. NPCs are significantly more responsive and will work with players depending on how submissive the player remains. Rockstar Games is still working on interactivity by pushing refresh.

Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs is a great work by Square Enix and has been year round so far in 2012. It's thought to be one of the most incredible open-world games yet with a great story. The man's combat capability and sporting material science were very similar. However, critcs say that the game is strongly based on the GTA series and needs aspiration. Players can encounter designs unmatched in GTA 5 if they play on high/ultra-settings. The game is available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

Watch dog 2

Ubisoft sent the Watch Dogs series as an immediate contender for GTA 5. Watch Dogs 2 is a brilliant interpretation of a state-of-the-art city, where players use hacking and computerized controls. Anything from traffic signals to surveillance cameras and robots can be hacked in Watch Dogs 2.
